Creating a pattern (technological) move in India’s Education System: Pre & Post COVID-19
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020)The lockdown has augmented implementation of digital technology. Business houses, educational institutes, analytics, computer, data management methods and online education solutions have been involuntary to work in pushbike and progress in quality and delivery time to switch such situations. This is an idyllic period to assess
and install new tools to make education delivery expressive to students who can’t go to precincts. It’s a chance to be more well-organized and creative while developing new and enhanced professional skills/knowledge through online learning and valuation. It is also a circumstance that use of technology in education is consequential in dissimilar concepts in the system, for instance the transfer from teacher-centric education to student-centric education. Across all segments and verticals to create an advantage” is well designed and premeditated for this fastidious issue (Volume-2 No.-2 Feb 2020) due to advent of technology in all the phase. In entireness we had acknowledged seven articles in various capacities with blended tactics and parade. The earliest and major articles categorization is Argument Based Credentials with three papers entitled/written by “Artificially Intelligent”-Arushi Verma, “Digital Payments and its Security”-Alok Raj, Nitin Jain & Surendra Singh Chauhan and finally a third ABC is “New Dimensions in Industry 4.0 (IoS: Internet of Skills)”- Nitin Garg & Nidhi Garg.The second nomenclature is Case Study in which we had a paper on “Data Breaches in Healthcare: A Case Study -AvishaRathee.The third nomenclature is Scrutiny Tip in which we had a paper, “Understanding the Vs of Big Data”- Manpreet Kaur. The fourth nomenclature is View point “Shifting of Video Conferencing Industry from Hardware based MCU to software Based MCU”- Vikas Dixit and finally a column by “Future of Technology”- Aryan Tiwari -
Rocket Science for a Technological user in 2020: A Tip and a Clue
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)There’s an expression overlapped in all discipline (psychology, technology and
literature) that portray when experience advances too prompt for the dignitary
to comprehend or act in response to it then best occasion is to pause and watch
with a genesis in mind to “go-on” as there is a proverb emphasize that basic
effort towards the adaptation is apprehensive always and believes “only thing
constant in the world is change”. The overture of these truly intelligent up to date
systems will augment the technical capabilities of organizations. Yet there are
two sides to every accomplishment – hard (technological) and soft (cultural). The
savoir faire is time after time the trouble-free part; helping your human employees
learn to make use of the new systems is the real confront. -
Responsibility of Artificial Intelligence in creating Cyber Security among the Peers
Vol. 1 No. 7 (2019)Editors are used in diverse industries and for many types of products, such as magazines, newspapers, blogs, and books. There are certain beauties an editor must possess. S/ he is a one who could be inquisitive, imaginative and detail leaning. S/he should have needed first-rate listening and verbal communication skills and should be contented using computers to do their work and need good interpersonal and writing skills. In Cybernomics modus-operandi of editing is bifurcated in three levels. They are recognized as substantive,
copyediting and proofreading. Finally the editor assesses the rationale of the text, who will read it and why. An editor is a decisive booklover and a devotee of words, whose position is to buff up and purify an article. Editors are accountable for checking facts, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. They are also accountable for ensuring that an article corresponds with in-house style guides and feels polished and refined when done. There are also times when editors need to step in and cut out what doesn’t fit the purpose of the story and guide the attention towards the areas that the reading audience should focus on. The existing editorial team that is entirely engaged and fanatical to the accomplishment of these outstanding periodicals. In this new era of Cyber there are a numeral changes that we would like to exemplify attention to the periodical’s readers, as we are self- assured such changes will plead to a widespread range of academic and information technology interests. Cybernomics is a cooperatively designed by our leadership team that aims to symbolize the comprehensive network of our community from cyber society to the cyber users. -
Cyber security changing the face of society by building technological trust among its counterpart
Vol. 1 No. 6 (2019)We are beyond doubt privileged to have been elected as the Editor of the new monthly periodical Cybernomics. Being an editor I am extremely obliged to Scholastic seed Inc which is an upcoming Publishing Aggregator & periodical mentor and grateful for providing me an opportunity during its 2nd Annual General meeting Vide resolution dated 1st April, 2019 . We are also very proud to be working in tandem with an outstanding team of entire editorial team and its New Delhi office. The existing editorial team that is entirely engaged and dedicated to the accomplishment of these outstanding periodicals. In this new era of Cyber there are a numeral changes that we would like to exemplify attention to the periodical’s readers, as we are self- assured such changes will plead to a widespread range of academic and information technology interests. Cybernomics is a cooperatively designed by our leadership team that aims to symbolize the comprehensive network of our community from cyber society to the cyber users.
October 2019: Industry 4.0 cyber threat recapitulation & Remedy: An Initiative to Safeguard Manufacturing
Vol. 1 No. 5 (2019)The rationale behind writing a note on behalf of an editor table on this particular theme“Industry 4.0” is well designed and premeditated for this particular issue (volume-1 number-5 October 2019)due to change in manufacturing philosophy and advent of smart factory in the year 2020.
September 2019: Cognitive Informatics (CI) and Cognitive Computing (CC): A steps towards Integrating Cyber Security & IoT
Vol. 1 No. 4 (2019)In this new era of Cyber there are a number of changes that we would like to highlight to the periodical’s readers, as we are selfassured such changes will plead to an extensive range of academic and information technology interests. First, our periodical is a debut edition that has been collectively designed by our leadership team that aims to represent the global network of our community from cyber society. We recognize the importance of ensuring that our initiatives in an academic format would represents the work and research being conducted in all regions of the world, and at the same time also highlights key issues critical to technocrats not only in developed countries but also in low-resource countries. Second, the periodical will feature original articles that showcase important issues related to cyber and burgeoning terms which revolves around it.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Brain-Inspired Systems, Cognitive Computers, Cognitive Engineering, Cognitive Informatics, Cognitive Robotics, Cognitive Systems, Computational Intelligence, CWW, Deep Learning, Deep Reasoning, Deep Thinking, Denotational Mathematics, Knowledge Learning -
August 2019: The Next Analytics Age in Cyber through Artificial Intelligence
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2019)Since the creation of computers or machines, their potential to carry out a range of tasks went on growing exponentially. Humans have urbanized the power of computer systems in terms of their miscellaneous working domains, their increasing velocity, and reducing dimension with admiration to time. A branch of Computer Science named Artificial Intelligence pursues creating the computers or machines as intelligent as human beings. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the recurrent catchphrase of computer science. Many cyber security providers now tender products that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) to help with detection and response to cyber threats. Artificial intelligence is moving frontward, and whether we like it or not, machine learning will play an essential role in our technological future. The largest and best companies in the world already know this, and they are investing profoundly in AI. -
July 2019: Cybernomics-A Periodical with Difference
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019)This issue covers topics on Impact of Industry 4.0 over crowdsourcing in Indian Circumstances,Cyber Warfare and Cyber Law, Cyber Security Impacts on Logistics and Supply Chain Management,Impact of IoT and 5G on the
Business of Cyber Security,World of Cyber Space: Cyber (Crime, Security, Law) and Cyber Solution,Bringing Paradigm shift in Future e-Voting through Blockchain - A Social Initiative from theory to practive and finally executing and Blockchain bringing Paradigm Shift in Indian Governmental Society Functioning. -
June 2019: Cybernomics-A New Monthly Periodical
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)This is a Debut Edition of CYBERNOMICS
CYBERNOMICS is being published as a co-published peer-reviewed magazine by KARAM Society and Scholastic Seed Inc. The subjects covered by the magazine are IT linkages in business and management and others field related to cyber and its economics fields. It also covers many aspects in Information System and related areas which are burgeoning. The Magazine provides an international forum for the exchange of ideas, principles and processes concerning the application of diverse topics of Cyber to organizations, institutions andthe world at large. CYBERNOMICS considers research submissions in several categories but revolves around Cyber threats, Security remedies, etc.