Vol. 1 No. 7 (2019): Responsibility of Artificial Intelligence in creating Cyber Security among the Peers

Editors are used in diverse industries and for many types of products, such as magazines, newspapers, blogs, and books. There are certain beauties an editor must possess. S/ he is a one who could be inquisitive, imaginative and detail leaning. S/he should have needed first-rate listening and verbal communication skills and should be contented using computers to do their work and need good interpersonal and writing skills. In Cybernomics modus-operandi of editing is bifurcated in three levels. They are recognized as substantive,
copyediting and proofreading. Finally the editor assesses the rationale of the text, who will read it and why. An editor is a decisive booklover and a devotee of words, whose position is to buff up and purify an article. Editors are accountable for checking facts, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. They are also accountable for ensuring that an article corresponds with in-house style guides and feels polished and refined when done. There are also times when editors need to step in and cut out what doesn’t fit the purpose of the story and guide the attention towards the areas that the reading audience should focus on. The existing editorial team that is entirely engaged and fanatical to the accomplishment of these outstanding periodicals. In this new era of Cyber there are a numeral changes that we would like to exemplify attention to the periodical’s readers, as we are self- assured such changes will plead to a widespread range of academic and information technology interests. Cybernomics is a cooperatively designed by our leadership team that aims to symbolize the comprehensive network of our community from cyber society to the cyber users.