

Scholastic Seed Inc. - "An E-publishing Aggregator & Periodical Mentor" is an academic initiative  in a year 2018 by a gamut of scholars from industry and academia that claims that the donations are needed to keep the site online as the contents are fully open (which means freely available to reader and users). Cybernomics which is a brain child of Scholastic Seed Inc. is in the belief that donations help in the funding the operating costs, in lieu of that society and venture is going to either endorse with providing print copies of cybernomics magzine of particular month at there door-steps or acknowledge them by publishing an advertorial month after month with a committment in a forthcoming issues. Cybernomics is a free and open source (FOS) magazine, hosted by the KA-Research & Academic Management Society  established in a year 2009, with an intention to reaching to an unreached with zero cost and non-stop learning. These fundraising banners are intentionally created so that magazine by and large can serve the society and promote readers have a free-flow platform to share and broadcast thier thought without hesitations.