Analysis of Fingerprint System based on Performance Measure

  • Rohit Gupta Associate Analyst, Deloitte Consultancy India
  • Akshansh Kumar Tech Associate, D.E. Shaw
Keywords: .


Biometric securities are the most widely used security solution to prevent security attacks and threats because it is more reliable and safer than any password, pin, or motion sensing etc. Biometric Systems are based on performance measures like accuracy, efficiency, speed, uniqueness etc. which help in security of data and valuable goods. In this paper we discuss about the previous studies on fingerprint system. This paper discusses about the fingerprint verifications and identifications techniques with the use of various patterns and with all the technical steps involved in it like fingerprint capturing, pre-processing, minutia extraction, postprocessing and minutia matching stage. This paper highlights the accuracy of fingerprint among the other biometric systems. The aim of this paper is to show the importance, efficiency, and speed of fingerprint recognition technique among all other biometric techniques.


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How to Cite
, R. G., & Akshansh Kumar. (2021). Analysis of Fingerprint System based on Performance Measure. CYBERNOMICS, 2(9), 13-17. Retrieved from
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