“CRISP”- Bringing Technological Change In Teaching Pedagogy- A Case Study
The scenario of rapid changing technology is forcing higher education to adopt new methods of teaching pedagogy. The days are gone when one of the professor used his/her notes since he joined the organization and continued to teach from it even after 15 years without change. Now in the world of glocalization1 (globalization + localization) information is available freely and today the topics taught in higher education are not in covert form. This force where IT is at its peak and information is churned out and presented in graphics, animation and with power point presentation, still we are struggling to present our research, project or thesis in any accepted form of presentation, countrywide. Now the days are gone that we don’t have any such presentation style of RTP (Research/ Thesis/Project)2 . CRISP model is the one mode/model which is now very well accepted / adopted voluntarily by Central Universities of various states like HP, UK, UP and other national reputed institution / universities.
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